Wow, do I take my vision for granted? I’m writing this having just finished being part of a storytime by the incredible Feelix Library at Vision Australia. I was asked to read my book, Eric the Postie, to children with vision-impairment and then spend some time engaging in some fun, letter-related activities designed by the… Continue reading Learning to see at Vision Australia’s Feelix Library storytime
Category: Marketing
Event: Workshop at Brimbank Writers’ and Readers’ Festival 2018
I’m looking forward to running a workshop with forty lucky kids as part of the Brimbank Writers’ and Readers’ Festival 2018 in Victoria. It’ll be happening on Saturday, 10 Nov 2018 starting at 2pm. Here’s the gist: Do you want your own personal letter from Matt’s CBCA Notable award-winning character, Eric the Postie? Matt will… Continue reading Event: Workshop at Brimbank Writers’ and Readers’ Festival 2018
On measuring success on social media
Click rates, followers, engagements, opens, subscribers, unsubscribes, likes, laughs, loves. We’re living in a quantitative world. No matter which social media platform you’re using, the numbers supposedly don’t lie. It’s how we measure our success. Every one of these platforms offers ‘analytics’. A way to track your success and effectiveness of what you’re posting. The… Continue reading On measuring success on social media
Are you selling art or stories?
As an artist, it’s easy to think you’re selling art, right? That thing you spent hours or months slaving away at. That final piece that someone will hang on their wall in their home and call their own? The layers of paint, expertly placed just so. It’s taken years of experience to get to this… Continue reading Are you selling art or stories?
Vision Australia acquires Eric the Postie
The world of children’s publishing is a constant surprise to me. Never in a million years would I have imagined I would ever experience some things that only writing and illustrating for children has given to me in my short career so far. I’m starting to lose track of the ways in which each and… Continue reading Vision Australia acquires Eric the Postie
Your only competition is you
Competition has a lot of benefit. History is littered with examples of how rivalry pushed humans to achieve more in a shorter time. This is great if faster and ‘more’ are your goals. But not everyone needs to be faster, or make more. I scroll through my algorithmically-driven Instagram feed maybe once every few days.… Continue reading Your only competition is you
CBCA Notable books – Eric the Postie and Koala Bare
Eric wears his shiny new sticker I’m delighted to announce that my first picture book, and my first collaboration with Jackie French have both been given a shiny notable sticker by the industry’s premier body, the CBCA. While the last you thing any one should ever illustrate for, it’s recognition, it’s still a lovely feeling… Continue reading CBCA Notable books – Eric the Postie and Koala Bare
Row Row Row Your Boat featured in Better Beginnings
A whole generation of kids are going to have access my first ever picture book and I can’t tell you how great and humbling that feels.
Scholastic Australia selects Sleigh Ride as their 2016 Christmas e-card
It’s not often your art gets in front of 1000s of people so when Scholastic gave me the good news, it’s fair to say that I couldn’t contain my excitement.