October 15, 2018

Event: Workshop at Brimbank Writers’ and Readers’ Festival 2018

I’m looking forward to running a workshop with forty lucky kids as part of the Brimbank Writers’ and Readers’ Festival 2018 in Victoria. It’ll be happening on Saturday, 10 Nov 2018 starting at 2pm. Here’s the gist: Do you want your own personal letter from Matt’s CBCA Notable award-winning character, Eric the Postie? Matt will… Continue reading Event: Workshop at Brimbank Writers’ and Readers’ Festival 2018

September 18, 2018

On measuring success on social media

Click rates, followers, engagements, opens, subscribers, unsubscribes, likes, laughs, loves. We’re living in a quantitative world. No matter which social media platform you’re using, the numbers supposedly don’t lie. It’s how we measure our success. Every one of these platforms offers ‘analytics’. A way to track your success and effectiveness of what you’re posting. The… Continue reading On measuring success on social media

July 24, 2018

Are you selling art or stories?

As an artist, it’s easy to think you’re selling art, right? That thing you spent hours or months slaving away at. That final piece that someone will hang on their wall in their home and call their own? The layers of paint, expertly placed just so. It’s taken years of experience to get to this… Continue reading Are you selling art or stories?

April 18, 2018

Your only competition is you

Competition has a lot of benefit. History is littered with examples of how rivalry pushed humans to achieve more in a shorter time. This is great if faster and ‘more’ are your goals. But not everyone needs to be faster, or make more. I scroll through my algorithmically-driven Instagram feed maybe once every few days.… Continue reading Your only competition is you