About this project

In 2015, I wasn’t an artist. And now I am. The journey of becoming comfortable with that term and identity hasn’t been easy. Or quick. But, slowly, over time, bit by bit, I made space for it in my life. And then I shared some of it. And then, a lot of time passed. But, eventually, with sharing my work came a community, and with community came demand, and with demand came a career.

I don’t think I’m anything special. No, really. One day, I read Art & Fear by David Bayles and Ted Orland and it changed my life. I came to terms with the fear that was preventing me from starting. Once I started, then I continued to make, and once things were made I had something to market.

I think this could happen for others, too. Like I said, I don’t think I’m anything special. What’s on this website is my journal, written since about 2017 onwards, about the things that have helped and hindered me in my road to becoming an artist (and being OK with how it’s panning out).

I hope these thoughts help others, too.
