How does one become an artist? Well, first things first, we need to do what artists do.
Category: Marketing
On being everything to someone
We can either be something to everyone, or everything to someone. I choose the second.
A choir needs four people
We don’t expect a single singer to be able to cover all four basic vocal ranges, so why do we expect it in most other fields?
The evolution of reaching readers
Is getting published all that great? If your goal is to reach readers, then it’s possible you don’t need a publisher.
Faith in connection
Not everything needs evidence. Sometimes, faith is enough to change the world.
Surprise is something worth paying for
The best magicians don’t reveal their practise and people still pay. Why do artist give away so much for free on social media?
I can’t cook like Nigella Lawson
There’s value in mimicry because even if you try to copy your inspiration, line for line, pixel for pixel, you’ll never create the exact same thing as someone else, and that’s OK.
The blurry line between art and picture books
At what point does a picture book stop being art and become more about design?
Piracy as a positive
Making money from artistic work is difficult. In a recent survey by the Australian Society of Authors, creators make, on average, 11,000AUD from their creative work. That’s not much to live on. I’ve written before about where an artist’s income comes from, and why it’s probably possible and, at least for me, preferable, to balance… Continue reading Piracy as a positive
What problem are you solving?
To run a successful business, it needs to solve a problem. But, beyond style, what problems are illustrators solving for their clients?