January 8, 2019

Letting the line breathe

As anyone who has a regular art practice knows, learning from those gone before you is as critical as the amount of time you spend drawing. So, when the Australian Society of Authors advertised an online workshop with Australian picture book legend, Ann James, I jumped at the chance. I never go into these webinars… Continue reading Letting the line breathe

December 30, 2018

The importance of finishing things (even if you think they’re terrible)

I’m a serial project starter. I come up with ideas that always feel like the best idea I’ve ever had. I’m motivated and excited by what this thing could be. It’s energising and all-consuming. Then, I start the work. Austin Kleon’s ‘Life of a Project’ from “Steal like an Artist” Soon enough, the initial burst… Continue reading The importance of finishing things (even if you think they’re terrible)

December 11, 2018

Fine Art Inspiration: Arthur Streeton

There are very few old-timey painters of Australian landscapes that I swoon over. In fact, Arthur Streeton might be the only one. Spring – Arthur Streeton (source) I’m a fine art Luddite, ashamedly so. As a child, my parents never entertained activities as ‘high-brow’ as painting, literature or poetry. Who does when you’re busy trying… Continue reading Fine Art Inspiration: Arthur Streeton

November 9, 2018

What is hard work anyway?

There’s only one thing that makes work ‘hard’ for me – any task that I don’t want to do right now. I love having fun. Who doesn’t right? Doing activities that you enjoy is, pretty much, life’s goal. So Hard Work sucks. But I can’t describe an activity or set of activities that I find… Continue reading What is hard work anyway?