December 11, 2018

Fine Art Inspiration: Arthur Streeton

There are very few old-timey painters of Australian landscapes that I swoon over. In fact, Arthur Streeton might be the only one. Spring – Arthur Streeton (source) I’m a fine art Luddite, ashamedly so. As a child, my parents never entertained activities as ‘high-brow’ as painting, literature or poetry. Who does when you’re busy trying… Continue reading Fine Art Inspiration: Arthur Streeton

November 9, 2018

What is hard work anyway?

There’s only one thing that makes work ‘hard’ for me – any task that I don’t want to do right now. I love having fun. Who doesn’t right? Doing activities that you enjoy is, pretty much, life’s goal. So Hard Work sucks. But I can’t describe an activity or set of activities that I find… Continue reading What is hard work anyway?

August 9, 2018

Am I missing out on Art School?

I’m a self-taught professional artist. I’ve only just recently started saying that to myself, and it feels really good. I’m proud of it. I managed my way into an industry by taking a different path; one that’s far less trodden but more accessible than ever. But. I haven’t done ‘official’ training, and that still worries… Continue reading Am I missing out on Art School?

July 31, 2018

How to: Paint a mural

Having completed my first five-metre mural on glass, I wanted to share this little how-to guide to help other artist and illustrators shortcut the process if they ever want to try this themselves. At the time, I found it very difficult to piece together disparate pieces of information across the internet on how to do… Continue reading How to: Paint a mural