January 9, 2024

Success is not a goal

It’s easy to get caught up in trying to measure your progress towards goals – whether you’re achieving them or not. How many books have I published? How many people have bought a print from my Instagram account? How many followers do I have? How many awards have I won? What ‘success’ looks like is different for everyone, and it changes with every new goal we achieve. So, some wise words from Coach Eric Taylor from Friday Night Lights resonate with me when I start to get distracted by whether I’m being ‘successful’ or not:

Success is not a goal, it’s a by product – Coach Eric Taylor, East Dillon Lions, Friday Night Lights

It’s easy to think of each artist working in your ‘industry’ as competition – we’re trained to think of things that way from when we’re very young. But, as I’ve written before, one of the greatest things about art-making is that the only competition is ourselves. It’s up to us what we want to focus on – that might be hitting 128k followers on Instagram, or it might simply trying to stay on the f**$!&g bus.

Other observations
March 4, 2025

Understanding the shape of oneself

Great work is seldom made in isolation. But what do we need to ask of ourselves in order to find the right collaborators?

February 25, 2025

Something that sounds like music

Do fundamental skills really need to come first? Or, instead of learning those, can we focus on why we’re doing in the first place?

February 18, 2025

Which idea is the right one?

With so many potential paintings, drawings, and ideas to make, how does anyone prioritise their precious time on Earth?

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