October 29, 2019

Safe bets

How do you choose a wine if you’re not into wine? Standing in front of a shelf of over 1200 wine bottles, all of varying prices, designs, flavour profiles or sizes, the choice is overwhelming. If you know nothing about wine, awards help. If something is awarded, and something isn’t, perhaps the awarded one is a ‘safer’ bet. One that most people will like.

The problem with the one most people will like is that it’s very rarely the one that a few people will love. To be the one that most people like means it’ll never be a cult favourite, it probably won’t surprise. If you buy an awarded wine, and you don’t like it, then there’s only disappointment. Is it you? Or the wine? Or the judge who awarded it, that got it so wrong?

So what’s an award for, anyway? Maybe it’s better just to make the work that you love, whether others like it or not. Maybe it’s OK to be an unsafe bet.

Other observations
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