Is my long struggle with digital art because there are just too many options? Do constraints unlock expression rather than contain it?
Category: Starting
Learning through play doesn’t have to stop at childhood
Does the availability and access of art materials prevent our ability to engage with art?
Time is the only thing we can’t make more of
Is it better to spend time or money?
The past isn’t a great foreteller of the future
Just because I’ve done something before, doesn’t mean I can do it again, right?
Who else is looking for answers?
Art comes from artists seeking to answer the questions they have about the world. It helps if others are also have the same questions.
Every culture has an alcohol
How is it that every culture independently invented their own alcohol?
Giving something back to the timeline
We like to think of artists as individuals, but nothing could be further from the truth.
There’s no such thing as breakfast
Cultural norms and immutable laws are not the same things. Is our idea of breakfast holding us back?
If only I had more space
Maybe what I need isn’t more space, but a different way of thinking about the ‘limited’ space that I have.
The trade of vulnerability
There seems a universal law – the more you risk, the greater the reward. It governs everything we do from the obvious – gambling – to the less obvious – love. Putting ‘yourself’ out there takes courage because it means we’re making ourselves vulnerable. Vulnerable to attack. Vulnerable to critique. Vulnerable to making mistakes that people… Continue reading The trade of vulnerability