February 21, 2023

What’s illustration for?

If it’s about image-making, then why not stickc with photography or video? What’s so special about illustration?

February 14, 2023

The worst part of the process

Maybe it’s not that we don’t like something, it’s just that we don’t understand it yet.

February 7, 2023

For and Against Tradition

The constraints of ‘tradition’ can be useful, but so too is our capacity to completely ignore them

January 17, 2023

Some people just like fishing

I don’t remember where I read it, but the quote goes something like this: “Anyone could go to their local fish market and buy fish far healthier and tastier than they could catch themselves. Some people just like fishing.” In an increasingly globalised world, almost anything can be outsourced, and yet, we still have a… Continue reading Some people just like fishing

January 10, 2023

Healthy distractions

In a high-performance productivity culture, are new hobbies just distractions? Or, are they healthy ways to live a broader human experience

January 3, 2023

Process over product

How does one measure the success of one’s efforts? Is the painting artefact or the the painting process the point?