It’s really difficult to show another human your idea without putting something on the page. In this way, every drawing is a raffle ticket. The more ideas one puts on the page, the greater the chance becomes of connecting with someone – someone who gets it; that may be a loved one, or someone you’ve never met, or a publisher who has the power and budget to take your idea and show it to the world at scale.
Understanding the shape of oneself
Great work is seldom made in isolation. But what do we need to ask of ourselves in order to find the right collaborators?
Something that sounds like music
Do fundamental skills really need to come first? Or, instead of learning those, can we focus on why we’re doing in the first place?
Which idea is the right one?
With so many potential paintings, drawings, and ideas to make, how does anyone prioritise their precious time on Earth?
Do you want fries with that?
How does a culture of add-ons and upgrades effect how we make art?
Did Chopin want to be the nocturne guy?
Is it possible to trap ourselves into a ‘style’ or ‘type of work’ because it’s easier for the world to understand simplicity?