January 2, 2024

The Helsinki Bus Theory

In 2004, Arno Rafael Minkkinen gave a commencement speech at the New England School of Photography describing a parrallel between an artist’s lifelong journey toward finding their own unique vision and, well, a bus station in his homeland of Finland.

As it turns out, in Helsinki, there are many buses on many different route numbers that leave the central depot. And, for the first part of each of these routes, no matter which route you take, they stop at (mostly) the same places along the way.

Just like each of our art practices, we begin our journey by making work that is (well, has to be, derivative). Partly because of the individual lives we lead, and partly because we need to see someone ahead of us that inspires us to begin making in the first place. I began by being inspired by the work of Beatrix Potter, Quentin Blake, Oliver Jeffers and Ed Gorey as well as watercolour fine artists like Joseph Zbukvic, Alvaro Castagnet, Jean Haines, and Amanda Hyatt. They were the first books I bought as visual references when, as an adult, I began drawing. In my earlier years, it was comics – Garfield, Calvin and Hobbes, Grug, Mr Men and so on.

And so, as it turns out, for the last few years I’ve been in Central Helsinki – riding my own route but visiting all the common bus stops along the way. It has, by many people’s measure, led to some commercial success – a dream for many aspiring book illustrators, but nothing I’ve done feels original enough… yet.

But, I came across this theory from Minkkinen at a time in my life (and artist’s journey) where I feel as though I’m finally beginning to leave central Helsinki. The work up to now has been fun, and transformative, but the ideas I’m generating now (almost 8 years into drawing and painting professionally), are different.

The recognition of other influences in my work is fading as the city gets further away. Without knowing it, I’ve done what Minkinnen told those lucky students back in 2004 – I’m staying on the f*%$^g bus – and I have to say, I’m really enjoying where I’m headed on this bus route; I don’t think anyone’s been here before.

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