January 15, 2019

Cleaning comic pen nibs with potatoes

So, this is weird. As I get deeper and deeper into the world of playing with developing a beautiful, inky drawing line, I’m discovering that the world of dip pen nibs is complex.

This isn’t a post about which ones are my favourite or my most hated though. No. This is about cleaning your nibs with potatoes.

That’s right. Cleaning your nibs with potatoes.

Stick your nib in a potato

As it turns out, when you purchase a shiny new nib, they don’t come ‘ready to use’. The manufacturing process of nibs means that nibs are often coated with a thin, invisible layer of oil. If you try to use your shiny new nib without preparing it first, you’re likely to get an inconsistent flow on to the page. Then you’ll end up with ink blots or a scratchy, rough line. The ink tries to slide off the nib to the paper, but it does so unevenly.

Comic book pen nib mounted in a potato, yes, that's weird.
Pop your nib in a potato and wait

At first, I didn’t believe this. Why would manufacturers be so stupid as to risk their reputation on nib quality by not telling artists, “Hey, creative person! Wash your nib first.” If you didn’t know this, surely you’d try a nib (as I have), see the uneven flow, then take to Google Reviews with a vengeance.

But anyway, I digress.

How to prepare your nib for immediate, free-flowing, luscious use? Just stick it in a potato. No, seriously. Do it. You don’t need to waste a whole potato either. Just slice a bit off and stick your nib in. Right up to where you think you’re going to be immersing it in ink.

Wait 15 minutes, then remove the nib, give it a rinse with regular old water, dry thoroughly and voila! You’ll be a smooth (nib) operator.

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